Monday, November 12, 2007

Sea Wall

For those of you currently not living in Georgetown, the city is built below sea level. Approximately 7.5 feet below sea level. Why don’t I need scuba gear to get around you might ask? Because when the Dutch built Georgetown (formerly known as Stabroek), they built the sea wall, or maybe the French or the English. Somebody built the sea wall! It also helps protect against coastal erosion and protect the city from shrinking. The sea wall itself is 240 miles long, extending along most of the central and eastern coast of Guyana. I guestimate the width to be atleast 4 feet. and equally as high. The ground around it has been built up as well, helping make it higher.

I’d driven by it before, but Maria took me with her daughter Geneva to stand on it last week. I love the ocean. There is nothing like the ocean breeze. The water isn’t the clear blue that you might expect and it’s a rocky shoreline, not a sandy beach. The water is brown because the rivers run into it. The rivers are brown because the leaves fall in the river and soak the water like tea leaves.

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