Sunday, August 10, 2008

Trying to work

Work has been slow because the man that I primarily work with and helps me set up meetings with the right people, went on leave for four weeks. The others that I work with have very little time for what I do and for a little while I don't think they understood why I was still around after my internship ended. Just poor communication from one department to the next...

I am meeting the same frustrations with computer equipment as when I started. The process of obtaining computer parts is unknowingly sabotaging the success of the system. It is incredibly frustrating for me and the people that I am trying to work with that computers won't even turn on or are so slow that it is really a waste of time to use them.

I can understand that it's probably not an easy task to access the money - it seems to me like somebody recommends a part, but then somebody else has to get quotes and actually submit to purchase it, and then somebody else either aproves or rejects the purchase, and then hopefully the second somebody in the process picks up the money and buys the part so that the first person can install it. I can see this process taking a few weeks, but it is the months of waiting for parts that is frustrating me and the people at the clinic. I'm going to try again to find where the weak link is - I can't quit now at the clinic. We've worked so hard to get where we are.

I'll still continue... despite all the challenges... trying to work....

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